5 Entrepreneurial Lessons From Movies
By Dana Sotoodeh
Let’s face it—our culture is movie obsessed, and we’re no exception. Whether you’re settled in your career or working hard towards it, there’s nothing like an inspiring movie to get your entrepreneurial juices flowing. Team Snackbox is here to present their favorite entrepreneurial inspired movies. If there’s anytime to go out there and get what you want—it’s now!
1.) The Pursuit of Happyness: This movie is a prime example that perseverance is key when it comes to succeeding in life. After Chris Gardner invests his life savings into an abundance of bone density scanners that leave him in poverty, he must find a way to support his only son and manage to stay alive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xcZTtlGweQ
2.) The Social Network: This movie screams entrepreneurship. Mark Zuckerberg drops out of college to go on and create one of the greatest social media networks of all time—Facebook. This film shows that no dream is too big. If you work hard and fight for what you want, you will succeed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB95KLmpLR4
3.) Moneyball: Moneyball is chalked full of lessons in business and life, but weighs heavily on taking an innovative approach at doing business. This movie highlights the road less traveled when the Oakland A’s baseball coach lets go of high dollar players and builds a winning baseball team on a budget. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4QPVo0UIzc
4.) Remember the Titans: This movie is a great example of teamwork, but more importantly it shows that determination is the key to success. Although the struggle of coaching a racially integrated football team is a huge challenge, determination prevails and success is achieved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPhu9XsRl4M
5.) Jerry Maguire: This classic film shows that going against the grain may not always be a bad thing. When big time Jerry Maguire quits his big-time sports agency job due to a moral epiphany, he finally builds a life and business that makes him truly happy and successful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKoKYk4jC84