Business Casual: Top Work Fashion Trends for 2014

Work fashion trends have evolved from simple and professional outfits to fun and creative power suits. This year, fashion leaders around the world are inspiring work fashion trends

Top 10 Time Management Tips

Many people often find themselves completely stressed and overwhelmed that they can’t even find the time to alleviate that stres

Food Terrorism

While unlikely to happen, yet aware of the threat, the U.S. government proposed legislation at the end of last year that would address the risk of food terrorism. The fact of the matter is our food supply

Keeping meetings organized and effective

We have all been in meetings that seem to drag on or discuss unrelated topics. There are steps that can be followed in order to keep your meeting organized and running efficiently.

5 Alternatives to a Conference Table Meeting

So many meetings take place around a stuffy conference table. Being in a creative industry, having meetings in unusual places that could lead to inspiration is a great idea.

Become a Better Note Taker

Taking good notes is only half the battle in your professional career. Great note taking skills will allow you to apply the knowledge that you have learned and retain the material.

12 Tips to Becoming a Better Presenter

How you present yourself is key in the PR and advertising world. Giving presentations is a task that communications professionals perform on a regular basis.

How to Select the Best PR Firm

You’ve got the next great business idea. You’ve got the backers excited about your idea, the staff is in place and you’re ready to hit the streets. Now all you need is a public relations firm

Handling Customers Who Do Not Pay

Being an entrepreneur can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can ever have; you get to set the rules, do work you love and get paid for it.

Environment: Just a Trend?

Have you ever had someone in public relations ask you, “What is your environmental angle?” Or, “Is there a eco-friendly angle to that?”