Heads in Expensive Beds

I often visit Chicago for business (and pleasure), but this past trip was my first time staying at the incredible Ritz-Carlton. As I ordered room service at 9 p.m. on a Wednesday night, I realized

Protecting Your Business

Running a business is all about building and maintaining strong business relationships. However, business owners sometimes fail to give the proper attention

'I' is for Invoicing

When your first client comes on board, it's an exciting time ... not only are you officially a company now, but you also are beginning to get paid for what you do!

Commercial vs. Personal Auto Policies

One question I frequently encounter as an Agent is whether or not a business should have their vehicles covered by a commercial auto versus a personal auto policy.

‘H’ is for Health Insurance

Sure there are a million reasons why you shouldn’t have health insurance, but there are a billion reasons why you should.

'G' is for Goals

You have made the decision to launch your business, you know your area of expertise and what makes your product or services unique. Now what?

'F' words for Entrepreneurism

As an employee, failure is looked upon in a negative light. As an entrepreneur, failure is just part of the learning process. If failure is an option, then that just means you're taking risks

'E' is for Experts

Let's face it: We're entrepreneurs because we're experts at what we do ... I'm a Public Relations entrepreneur because I'm good at PR, not necessarily an expert at running a business.

'E' is for Employee Personnel Files

In almost every employment case, one of the first things your ex-employee will ask for is a copy of his personnel file. In fact, ex-employees will often ask for a copy of their file before litigation begins

'D' is for Desk

For those of you working out of an office, skip this post. For the rest of you, listen up. Having a work space of your own, whether its a small desk that's housed in a closet or it's a physical room,