The 80/20 rule, or why I chose iPhone over Android

The prelude: I’ve had an iPhone since the 3G. I love the iPhone. I’m not crazy about the rules for applications in the app store and I do wish it was a bit more customizable than it is,

Entrepreneurs: 5 Rules to Work By

Entrepreneurs have no "off" switch and, if you're like me, you're constantly working to grow your business, improve productivity... all the while wishing you had just a little downtime

Happy Networking, Happy Couples

Opportunities to network can arise in almost any setting. But have you ever been at a social gathering and been so involved in making a business connection that you either ignored

Can Social Media Be Used Against Employees?

The short answer is – yes. The longer answer is that in Texas employers generally are free to monitor employee social media postings

Tools for Virtual Offices

It's funny: When we first launched Snackbox, my idea of success was office space, employees and a commute. But one day, after rolling out of bed and walking 10 feet to my computer,

Small Business Shoulda Coulda Woulda's

So you want to start your own business. Great! It is one of the American dreams. But many entrepreneurs will tell you that along the way to that dream there can be some nightmarish lessons

Business Etiquette: Table Manners

While I'm certainly not an etiquette expert, I do feel it's important to share basic etiquette rules, especially concerning table manners. As an entrepreneur, I find myself attending

What to Keep in Employee Personnel Files

In almost every employment case, one of the first things your ex-employee will ask for is a copy of his personnel file. In fact, ex-employees will often ask for a copy of their file before litigation begins

Five Things Every CEO Should Know

1. Know your customers. If you don't know your customers, then how can you expect to know how to sell them your product or service?

Best & Worst Cities for Recession Recovery

"Ten cities poised for a rebound -- and 10 cities with a long slog ahead"