How to Create a Media Distribution List

Media lists of any size are key to the success of your news release and overall PR campaign. Before creating a list, it’s important to take a look at your audience – who is going to be most interested

How to Write a News Release

A news release is written in third person and works to educate an editor or reporter on a topic while selling them on a story angle. News releases are typically written about

Questions to Ask When Hiring a PR Firm

Most PR firms will jump at an opportunity to work with a client that has a good budget and a decent story. Many don’t go much further than that (at Snackbox, we're a little choosier

Your Brand: Search Engine Optimization

So we’re all very well aware that social media is taking over the world. Most have a LinkedIn profile and many are represented on Facebook as well. Oh, and then there’s Plaxo.

What is News?

To many, writing a news release is the cornerstone of services provided to them by their PR firm. When a news release is written, there is a perception that media will come flocking

Public Speaking Tips

There are very few great speakers in this world and most of us can stand to sharpen our skills. I am by no stretch of the imagination a great speaker; however, I do try to employ basic strategies

Work Less to Protect The Environment and You

Americans work longer hours and take fewer vacations than any other industrialized country in the world. We create higher stress levels for ourselves, alienate our children and senior citizens

Green Business Travel Tips

Most of us travel for work. Here are a few tips for traveling as green as possible.

So You're Going to Add Staff ...

Adding your first employee is such a scary prospect. I compare it to selecting a nanny for your first born. This business is my baby of sorts and I’m not going to allow just anybody in to help me care for it.

Gaining Advantage Over Your Competition

Generating leads is key to business success at any level. We need leads to sell more yogurt, add more clients to our firm, etc. And the competition is thick in letters nine feet wide.