Ladies, Listen Up: Stop Using These 7 Phrases in Business
PR Finishing School, Tips & TricksAs a woman-owned business, we often are the only females in the boardroom.

How to nail that job interview
PR Finishing SchoolCollege grads, listen up! While the job market is challenging, don’t be discouraged. Use that expensive piece of paper you just earned alongside some extra strategy to land the best job for you.

What Universities Need to Start Teaching Students
PR Finishing SchoolSchools teach about press releases but fail to expand on how other materials play into the overall day-to-day functions of the PR world.

The Top Four Things I Learned at Snackbox
PR Finishing SchoolAs my final weeks wrap up at Snackbox, it’s hard to believe my internship is almost over.

Snackbox PR Apprenticeship
PR Finishing SchoolWe are looking for part-time candidates for our prestigious apprentice program!

Saying “I Don’t Know” Without Saying “I Don’t Know”
PR Finishing SchoolAh, the art of strategic messaging. This is arguably the most important skill a public relations professional will use in a crisis.

Our Top Tips for a Great Performance Review
PR Finishing SchoolIn my experience, I have had two performance reviews since I started at Snackbox. The first performance review happened while I was an intern

What NOT to Do/Wear During a Job Interview
PR Finishing SchoolSo you have internship experience, a college degree, and your planner cleared for ample amounts of job interviews. But how do you present yourself and what do you wear?

So you want to work at Snackbox?
PR Finishing SchoolAs a business owner, I receive a lot of emails about available positions. And, when I talk about needing specific types of people on Twitter, the numbers double, sometimes triple.

Job Searching Secrets from the Frontlines
PR Finishing SchoolAs an entrepreneur and principal of our public relations practice at Snackbox, I see resumes from a wide variety of job seekers throughout the country on a regular basis.