Our Favorite Food Newsletters

By: Jamie Hooker

We’re shared our favorite Austin, Texas-based newsletters, now we want to share our favorite newsletters that surround one of our favorite things… food! There are countless newsletters over this broad topic, but here are a few we subscribe to here at Snackbox.

FMI dailyLead

The Food Marketing Institute is “The Voice of Food Retail”.  We like their once-a-day newsletter because it focuses on the marketing news of the food world and leans towards the business side of food retailers, such as Walmart, Kroger and Whole Foods. FMI discusses food safety, research, government relations and more. Overall, the dailyLead gives you a look at what goes on behind the scenes with retail superpowers.


We chose Eater Austin as one of our favorite Austin, Texas-based newsletters, and we’re standing behind their parent website, Eater, as one of our favorite general food newsletters too. It offers lighter, more fun material than FMI does, but also gives you great information. Although the newsletters are similar, we recommend subscribing to both the Eater Austin and Eater newsletters. Eater gives you more national news and industry trends, while Eater Austin keeps it local.


QSR Magazine is a business-to-business magazine for fast-food businesses, fast-casual dining, snack shops, convenience stores, and other limited-service restaurants. Their four-times-a-week newsletter A.M. Jolt directs you to the majority of stories published on their website. We like this newsletter because it serves as inspiration for pitching and lets us know what’s being covered from a magazine perspective.